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All Architecture Politics Strategy UX
Image of architect Lebbeus Woods with his quote about architecture: Architecture is a political act, by nature. It has to do with the relationships between people and how they decide to change their conditions of living.

Architecture and User Experience, Part 1: The Politics of Architecture

About eight years ago I published a series of articles on CHIFOO (the Oregon and SW Washington chapter of the ACM's SIGCHI) having to do with UX Architecture. I've re-discovered those articles and made them current, but as it turns out, not so much has changed in the ensuing years. For example, CHIFOO's 2007 speaker series (Mind The Business: Promoting The Value Of Your Work) that inspired these articles is very much like the 2017 speaker series: Thriving Amid Chaos - Strategies Beyond Good Design, so it's timely as well. The term User Experience Architect continues to populate the job boards. What…